The Research on Early Detection of Cancer

Apr 18, 2017

I am delighted to see a continued focus in prior and new research on the value of ultrasound screening for the EARLY detection of breast and ovarian cancer.

I am delighted to see a continued focus in prior and new research on the value of ultrasound screening for the EARLY detection of breast and ovarian cancer.

1) BREAST CANCER EARLY DETECTION: Simple and proper risk assessment, proper self-breast exam, experienced physician breast examination, mammography and in-office physician performed ultrasound is our best strategy for detecting early stage, node-negative breast cancers. This, in turn, gives us our best chance of saving the breast and long-term cure with minimal therapies required. Breast density continues to be studied as an independent risk factor for breast cancer and one of the several indications for performing an ultrasound. I will soon attend a 3-day international conference on this subject at UCSF.

2) OVARIAN CANCER EARLY DETECTION: Continued results of the largest US clinical trial (University of Kentucky) and also the recent extension of the UK (England) Collaborative Trial of 202,638 women confirms a significant reduction in mortality and improved quality of life with the use of screening trans-vaginal ultrasound and CA-125 blood testing. This technique works well and is cost-effective when performed in-office using hi-resolution equipment with accurate interpretation. This eliminates the potential for false-positive results and unnecessary interventions.

We continue to expand our screening services and are excited about how simple, accurate and cost-effective this approach is for saving lives. Stay tuned!

To Your Health...

Dr. A.